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Authentic and passion-driven

October 27, 2022

“After nine years of mission partnership, it is hard to conceive of a more authentic and passion-driven love for Native people, their communities, and their families than the heart within Jonathan Maracle and Broken Walls.
His devotion to the Creator’s calling to bring restoration and wholeness has been witnessed by thousands we encountered on reservations, schools, and prisons of South Dakota. He sings the ‘Song of Life’ that brings hope to the hopeless and reconciliation to the broken-hearted.
But it was not just our mission teams over the years that witnessed the miraculous through Jonathan’s songs. It came mostly through the transformed eyes of the Lakota people, who adopted him into their tribe and who witnessed the heart of a warrior servant. So much so that they gave him the Lakota name of Chante Ho Wakan Etan Lowan, ‘He Sings with a Sacred Voice from His Heart.’
The stories he tells are authentic, passionate, and will be the ‘lifter’ of your soul towards the Creator.”