Donate to Broken Walls
Broken Walls thanks you for your generosity and support.Broken Walls is a registered charity in Canada and the US. You can make charitable donations in US or Canadian dollars.
For a Canadian charitable receipt: you can send a cheque made out to “Broken Walls” and mail it to 234 Bayshore Road, Deseronto, Ontario K0K 1X0. You can also send an e-transfer to [email protected] (please include your name and address in the notes in order to receive your year-end receipt).
For a US charitable receipt: You can donate online at or you can send a check made out to “Capstone Legacy Foundation” with “Broken Walls ID#30799” written in the memo line, and mail it to 900 West Valley Road, Suite 203, Wayne, PA 19087.
Ways to support the ongoing work of Broken Walls:
1. Giving on a regular monthly basis supports our everyday activities, administration, local and regional outreaches to schools, churches and other community efforts. Specify – Monthly Support.
2. Giving to support a particular outreach into remote communities (taking our team into a remote northern community can cost upwards of $20,000). Specify – Remote Communities.

Warrior’s Cry
There’s a call for warriors to rise up! Creator has given us all different parts to play – and those warriors who pray play a big part! We are so thankful for the prayer warriors who come alongside Broken Walls and lift us up. We go out with blessings in our hearts, and extend those blessings to all those we come in contact with. Our hope is that spiritual strongholds might be broken, and all people find healing and restoration in the love of Creator!
When Broken Walls travelled to Israel we were called, “Warriors of Prayer,” and we want to be just that to all people. We want to see the people of our First Nations become a blessing to all nations! And so, we invite you to join us in prayer. You can sign up for our newsletter, “Warrior’s Cry,” below and become a part of our work and outreach!
~ Jonathan Maracle